Apart from water fasting, there are several different types of pseudo-fasts you can do. I refer to these as pseudo fasts because the definition of "fast" or "fasting" as per the Oxford Dictionary, is: a period during which you do not eat food, especially for religious or health reasons. So an actual fast should not contain any food or calories. However, out of the four different fasts mentioned on the Detoxification Pyramid, two of them involve consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juice or fresh coconut water. All of which contain small amounts of fiber and calories. But, the ultimate goal of all four styles of fasting is the same, to Detoxify, Alkalize, and Regenerate your physical body while at the same time increasing mental clarity and emotional balance.
“Grapes and lemons are two of nature’s greatest lymphatic cleansers and “tumor busters.” I have seen lymphomas gone in forty-five days and stomach cancer gone in fifty-six days using these fruit juice fasts in combination with herbal therapy and a raw food diet.”
—Dr. Robert Morse
Dry Fast | A dry fast involves complete abstinence from food and water (in any form) for a short amount of time. It is the fastest way to get your body into a state of autophagy—your body sacrifices the sickest cells and activates stem cell regeneration. This process speeds up instantly with all forms of fasting. However, it happens the fastest when you dry fast by accelerating the metabolizing of adipose tissue for required hydration, e.g., water demands not being satisfied by drinking water during a fast. Depending on your comfort level while dry fasting, fasting periods can range from 12 hours to 18 hours without medical supervision. Your first attempt should be no more than 12 hours, and then you can work your way up to 18 hours over time. The approach I have found to be most beneficial is to interject short periods of dry fasting (18 to 36 hours) into a longer extended supervised fasting protocol to help encourage stubborn kidneys to start filtering lymph. |
Water Fast | A true fast is, by definition, the consumption of only water. This is the most powerful form of extended fasting and it offers profound, wide-ranging health benefits for a majority of people. Still, for highly depleted and weakened individuals, especially with late-stage cancer, water fasting is not recommended. This is because, in essence, you are not supplying the body with much-needed electrical energy to assist with the healing process, so the body must work with the limited supply of systemic energy it has. Below is a whole section dedicated to explaining everything you need to know about water fasting. Including who should and shouldn’t water fast, how long you should fast, how to prepare for a fast, and how to break a fast. |
Fruit Juice Fast | Fresh fruit juice supplies your body with high amounts of its most efficient form of fuel, fructose. Fructose does not rely on insulin production from the pancreas for it to be able to enter your cells. Instead, it combines with oxygen and is automatically absorbed into your cells by a natural process called diffusion. Therefore, this is your body's most efficient way to produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)—the primary energy currency of your cells. This style of fasting is a powerful detoxifier, alkalizer, and rejuvenator. Everyone can reap enormous benefits from fruit juice fasting. However, it is particularly helpful if your body is in a weakened or depleted condition as it energizes the body, elevating your systemic energy. When dealing with advanced tissue weakness, consuming high-energy fruit juices will increase the body’s cellular and systemic energies while simultaneously facilitating detoxification. You can fast on fruit juice for anywhere from one to a couple of months. But, without the supervision of a detoxification specialist, I recommend a period of no longer than four weeks. |
Fruit & Veggie Juice Fast | At this level of detoxification, all food (fiber) is eliminated from your diet. Allowing your digestive system to take a well-earnt respite. This is a high-energy fast, initiating necessary cleansing and lymphatic movement while also flushing out your kidneys. Fruit and vegetable juices supply glucose and fructose to cells for energy. However, a higher power is found within the fresh fruit juices. A fruit and vegetable juice fast can last for one day or up to a couple of months. But, without the supervision of a detoxification specialist, I recommend a period of no longer than four weeks. |
Mono Fruit Diet/Cleanse | This style of cleanse offers all the same benefits as a fruit diet but with added detoxifying intensity. It requires you to eat only one type of fruit for the entire duration of the cleanse. Fruits high in moisture content are the most cleansing. These include grapes, melons, oranges, and cucumbers. Albeit, fruits like apples, mangoes, and papayas also work exceptionally well. Whatever the fruit you choose, be sure it’s a fruit you love the taste of because you will be consuming a lot of that fruit if you decide to try this diet cleanse. A mono fruit cleanse can be done for anywhere from one day to a few months. Still, four weeks is the maximum period I would recommend without supervision from a detoxification specialist. |
Fruit Diet/Cleanse | A diet of fruit is the original diet of us homo sapiens. Therefore, it is more harmonious with our physiological and anatomical processes and design. Ultimately returning to a fruit diet allows the body to get back to its natural state of health and vitality. Fruits (fruit, berries, and melons) are the highest forms of food energetically. They are also the most astringent, alkalizing, and detoxifying of all foods. There is no calorie counting on this diet, so you can eat as much and as many different types of fruit as you want. I don’t recommend following an all-fruit diet long-term. However, eating a fruit diet for a day and even up to several months is an effective way to cleanse oneself. With that said, three months is the maximum period I would recommend without supervision from a detoxification specialist. |
Raw Plant Foods Diet | In nature, no other animal cooks their food before they eat it. This level of detoxification is the least intense and takes the longest. However, for some people, it is best suited for their lifestyle and the easiest to follow. All raw plant-based foods, such as fruits, berries, melons, vegetables, herbs, nuts, and seeds, have been slow-cooked to nature’s perfection by the sun’s solar energy. Collectively, these foods are teeming with solar-powered electromagnetic energy, microorganisms, and enzymes, providing the body with everything it requires to detoxify and rejuvenate itself. Depending on your health goals, designed appropriately, a balanced, raw plant food diet can be followed for a lifetime. However, this is not something I would recommend. |
"For most of the population, a juice fast is going to do an excellent job of detoxifying and rejuvenating the body. And for the majority of individuals, this is all I recommend! However, for those suffering from chronic diseases that aren’t in their final stages of development; a combination of extended water fasting and short dry fasts cycled with juice fasting or an extended water fast by itself are both superior healing modalities."
—Jay Eyears
The below photos are of my client, Harriet, from Nigeria. This is a brilliant example of the level of healing that is achievable with extended periods of fasting.
Contact me (Jay) today to learn more about the profound healing and health-promoting benefits of fasting or click on the bookings button below to schedule your 1-on-1 private consultation. Alternatively please check out my online detoxification programs which you will find under the PROGRAMS section of the jayeyears.com menu bar.